Japan Quirks. - the best part of travel is the idiosyncratic things. the joy of Japan, thanks to Christina's language skills and connections, was getting to know Japanese people. Instead of working with Aust/NZ/Canadians I got to work with Japanese. Some of the interesting things experienced:
Vending Machines - they are everywhere always giving you cool and hot drinks (and cigarettes). Beer is available everywhere as well. Like silent guards they await your pleasure, all shiny and clean in backstreets, railways, main streets, snow covered ponds, tops of temples. I can not imagine another country in the world where they would not be raided.
Bullet trains - wow, they blast past you at a station at 250km+. All trains run to within 30sec of scheduled time and stop precisely where they are designated. Every time, on time.
Open toilets - a bit strange to head off to the loo and have an open door such that all the girls can / could (not sure if "do") check out the action. I guess it is a good way for them to know what they are getting before time.
Gardens and architecture - amazing. blending and bending nature. Can't get enough of it.
Dogs - they LOVE their dogs. Dressing them up in denim skirts, little pink top and died ears while on a walk on a leash. Or carrying them in a baby pouch on their chest while they visit a temple. all kind of rat dog size and so many outfits you could produce a fashion mag for their owners and become rich.
Open Conversation - a characteristic of most of asia but sharing, thru translation, stories over breakfast and dinner for 2mths gave a great insight into the lives of people (mostly girls as there was only one/two other guys working in the restaurant. Topics / statements included:
* Over breakfast declaring that bc she had her period she only eats dinner.
* Asking if other girls had sex-buddies like she did bc her boyfriend was in Canada
* Telling people blanantly that they have gotten fat. Maybe you should take up smoking.
* Letting everyone know that they have diahorrea at the breakfast table.
Overall an amazingly generous place to visit. Expensive but so rewarding. go if you can. Try to see the flowers blooming in late March / April.
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